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Dati sinottici per Myanmar (19/12/2024 01:15 UTC):
Tempo Presente
Present Weather
Bago 4/8 cumulus with stratocua… 23.2 ° 90% 5000 m
Coco Island 5/8 cumulonimbus (tops fia… 27.0 ° 92% 4 km
Dawei state of the sky on the wa… 20.5 ° SE (130°) 2 kt 91% 1 km
Henzada 3/8 cumulonimbus (tops noa… 20.8 ° NE (40°) 1 kt 87% 5000 m
Hkamti mist 11.8 ° 100% 6 km
Homalin 2/8 stratocumulus (formeda… 14.5 ° N (360°) 1 kt 92% 1000 m
Hpa-An fog or ice fog at a distaa… 23.8 ° 84% 4000 m
Kalewa 17.8 ° 92% 1000 m
Kengtung 4/8 cumulus with stratocua… 15.7 ° 95% 5000 m
Mandalay 3/8 cumulus with stratocua… 19.0 ° 91% 5000 m
Maubin 4/8 cumulus with stratocua… 24.6 ° 80% 6 km
Mawlaik 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 14.5 ° 95% 2000 m
Meiktila 2/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 19.0 ° N (360°) 1 kt 91% 6 km
Mergui 4/8 cumulonimbus (tops noa… 23.5 ° NE (40°) 5 kt 91% 4 km
Minbu 3/8 cumulus with stratocua… 21.2 ° SE (140°) 1 kt 79% 4000 m
Mingaladon 1/8 or less but not 0/8 sa… 23.0 ° ENE (60°) 4 kt 91% 6 km
Monywa cirrus and/or cirrostratua… 17.7 ° N (360°) 1 kt 93% 6 km
Moulmein 1/8 or less but not 0/8 sa… 24.3 ° E (90°) 4 kt 81% 5000 m
Myitkyina fog or ice fog at a distaa… 12.5 ° 99% 4000 m
Nyaung-U mist 17.8 ° N (360°) 1 kt 100% 4000 m
Pathein 0/8 patches of altocumulua… 23.0 ° 89% 6 km
Prome 4/8 cumulus with stratocua… 23.8 ° 84% 6 km
Putao 6.0 ° 97% 500 m
Pyinmana 3/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 21.4 ° N (360°) 2 kt 89% 7 km
Shwebo state of the sky on the wa… 16.0 ° N (360°) 1 kt 90% 7 km
Sittwe mist 23.0 ° 91% 4000 m
Taunggyi 7/8 or more but not 8/8 ca… 15.0 ° SE (140°) 1 kt 90% 2000 m
Toungoo 3/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 22.0 ° N (360°) 1 kt 91% 5000 m
Victoria Point state of the sky on the wa… 24.9 ° NE (40°) 2 kt 83% 20 km
Yangon 1/8 or less but not 0/8 sa… 22.5 ° 95% 5000 m
Ye patches of fog or ice foga… 22.0 ° SE (130°) 1 kt 81% 3000 m


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