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Lat: 19 07S, Long: 033 28E, Alt: 731 mt. Past data:
Dati del 01/06/2024 21:00 UTC
Wind Direction/speed gust:
E (90°) 9 kt —
30 km
Air temperature:
20.5 °
Dew point:
16.7 °
Relative humidity:
Past Precipitation:
Last precipitation:
State of GND snow:
Snow depth:
Station pressure:
939.4 hPa
MSL Pressure:
3hrs pressure tendency:
Present weather:
Past Weather:
Clouds type:
Total Cover: 0/8 More info about cloud types
Ceiling: 2500 m
SYNOP: AAXX 01213 67295 42980 00909 10205 20167 39394 48561 333 59011

Upd. 02/06/2024 00:15 UTC


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The Datameteo family of services also includes weather data options. We offer a wide range of data 8 current or archive for more than 5000 locations in the world with a custom access to weather data in XML, CSV and PDF formats so that you can easily manipulate and integrate the weather information for your specific needs.