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MeteoVid Video, Maps and Images Datameteo's platform

  • MeteoVid a World of Video, Maps and Images

    MeteoVid a World of Video and Images

    MeteoVid is our content delivery system that can display all types of real-time weather information in contour maps, flash feeds or so. The extensive family of our weather data services (data, forecast,sat) offered is combined into a single product. Flash maps feeds contour maps and forecats are updated 4 times a day,actual weather data every 30 minutes.

    All the contour maps, forecast, current weather and flash feeds like audio playing and option, company brand and colors, content management are fully customizable and multilingual.MeteoVid standard dimensions follow a 4:3 ratio(320x240, 480x360 640x480, 1024x768 or customized ratio upon request). Adding MeteoVid dynamic weather content to your web site or public display system is very simple. Including in your webpage, portal, system some lines of javascript code and your weather channel is ready to run.

    Meteovid is an external flash feeds player or a js maps deliver platform.No need to worry about long download times or bandwith usage.
    MeteoVid works on our dedicated servers network.

    We also provide a very specialized weather info via AERO, AGRO, SKI, SAILING, ALERT that are exciting new weather content delivery systems that can display all types of real-time weather information in a quick, concise and user-friendly format based on Meteograms formats.
    Check our specialist weather channels AERO, AGRO, SKI , SAILING; ALERT and for more information visit our pages.

weather forecast vereeniging

weather vereeniging

weather warnings vereeniging

16 days weather forecast vereeniging

45 days weather forecast vereeniging

Data vereeniging and forecasts weather vereeniging with updated weather warnings vereeniging and fire. High resolution forecast models vereeniging WRF, CFS WWW3 for wind, photovoltaics, security civile.Alerting worldwide services and high resolutions weather vereeniging models. The model for the 45 days weather forecast vereeniging is updated regularly as a cadence atypical. Also available are 16 days weather forecast vereeniging for 7000 and 8000 Italian municipalities locations worldwide

Weather forecast vereeniging

weather vereeniging

16 days weather forecast vereeniging

45 days weather forecast vereeniging

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Datameteo LRC Worldwide Realtime weather and forecast
You are in Forecast:
World >> Africa >> Sud africa >> Vereeniging
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High Resolution Weather
Location: Vereeniging Alt. 1437 m (Country: South africa)
Time in Vereeniging
Current Data Next hour
Scattered clouds
Temp: 60.8°F
Scattered clouds
Temp: 62.6°F
Forecast hour 8:00 - 09:00 - 10:00
Temp: 66.2°F
Prec: -
Wind: ENE 4 KTS

Radar PrecipWeather 7 daysWeather 16 days
  Sunrise:05:37Africa/Johannesburg Sunset:19:02 UTC+02:00 SAST Lat:26.65S Lon:27.96E (Closest ICAO FAVV)
Day            Weather LO °F HI °F Precip.Inches Wind KTS UV
WED 22 A few Clouds 60.8°F 84.2°F - ENE 8 max 17 12
THU 23 Cloudy 64.4°F 91.4°F 0.0'' ENE 10 max 19 10
FRI 24 A few Clouds 64.4°F 87.8°F 0.0'' ENE 10 max 22 10
SAT 25 Overcast 64.4°F 86.0°F 0.1'' ENE 8 max 17 10
SUN 26 A few Clouds 62.6°F 86.0°F - ENE 8 max 19 11
MON 27 Overcast 60.8°F 86.0°F 0.0'' ENE 10 max 22 11
TUE 28 Cloudy 62.6°F 87.8°F 0.0'' ENE 8 max 19 10
WED 29 Cloudy 64.4°F 89.6°F - ENE 6 max 12 10
Local Warnings
Very Warm: THU 23, FRI 24, SAT 25, SUN 26, MON 27, TUE 28, WED 29

Updated: WED 22 January 2025, 05:30 SAST (RUN 18)

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