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Dati sinottici per Indonesia (04/03/2025 13:15 UTC):
Tempo Presente
Present Weather
Alor - Mali 2/8 cumulus (little vertia… 28.7 ° W (280°) 2 kt 81% 8 km
Amahai state of the sky on the wa… 27.2 ° E (90°) 2 kt 89% 10 km
Ambon - Pattimura 3/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 26.7 ° NW (320°) 2 kt 95% 10 km
Ampenan - Selaparang clouds generally dissolvia… 27.9 ° NNE (20°) 2 kt 87% 7 km since 6 hour(s): 0.5 mm
Balikpapan - Sepinggan 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 27.7 ° N (10°) 2 kt 82% 9 km
Banda Aceh - Blangbintang 3/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 29.9 ° SW (220°) 2 kt 74% 10 km
Bandung - Husein haze 21.8 ° 93% 4000 m since 6 hour(s): 12 mm
Banjarmasin - Syamsuddin Noor state of the sky on the wa… 26.9 ° ESE (120°) 3 kt 92% 10 km
Banyuwangi 2/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 29.8 ° ENE (70°) 2 kt 77% 8 km
Batan, Sumatra 3/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 28.3 ° NE (40°) 9 kt 79% 10 km
Bau-Bau - Beto Ambiri clouds generally forming a… 25.8 ° SE (130°) 2 kt 95% 8 km since 6 hour(s): 11 mm
Belawan 2/8 cumulus with stratocua… 29.8 ° NE (40°) 9 kt 74% 6 km
Bengkulu - Padangkemiling 2/8 cumulonimbus (tops fia… 29.2 ° ESE (120°) 1 kt 81% 10 km
Biak - Mokmer 1/8 or less but not 0/8 ca… 27.1 ° NNW (330°) 1 kt 91% 10 km
Bima 3/8 cumulus (little vertia… 29.1 ° ESE (110°) 3 kt 76% 6 km
Bitung 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.4 ° 83% 10 km
Cilacap 3/8 cumulus with stratocua… 28.7 ° W (270°) 2 kt 79% 7 km
Citeko - Puncak 3/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 22.7 ° S (190°) 1 kt 89% 7 km
Curug - Budiarto mist 25.7 ° SW (220°) 2 kt 95% 1100 m since 6 hour(s): 10 mm
Denpasar - Ngurah-Rai 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.9 ° ESE (110°) 5 kt 81% 10 km
Enarotali precipitation within sigha… 17.2 ° 90% 4000 m since 6 hour(s): 10 mm
Fak-Fak - Torea 3/8 cumulus with stratocua… 26.1 ° 95% 5000 m
Galela - Gamarmalamu 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 26.8 ° 94% 10 km
Geser 3/8 cumulonimbus (tops fia… 30.4 ° SSW (210°) 5 kt 81% 7 km
Gorontalo - Jalaluddin rain during past hour 25.6 ° E (90°) 2 kt 93% 8 km since 6 hour(s): 12 mm
Gunung Sitoli - Binaka 3/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.6 ° SSW (210°) 2 kt 83% 6 km
Jakarta - Observatory state of the sky on the wa… 28.4 ° 83% 6 km
Jakarta - Soekarno-Hatta rain during past hour 27.0 ° NE (40°) 2 kt 89% 9 km since 6 hour(s): 1 mm
Jakarta - Tanjung Priok state of the sky on the wa… 28.6 ° E (100°) 6 kt 79% 8 km since 6 hour(s): 5 mm
Jambi - Sultan Taha lightning visible, no thua… 25.8 ° E (90°) 2 kt 95% 10 km since 6 hour(s): 19 mm
Jatiwangi 2/8 cumulus (little vertia… 27.8 ° 87% 9 km
Jayapura 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 29.1 ° ENE (70°) 17 kt 88% 7 km
Jayapura - Sentani thunderstorm, but no preca… 29.0 ° E (100°) 6 kt 76% 10 km
Kaimana - Utarom rain during past hour 25.2 ° ENE (70°) 3 kt 97% 6 km since 6 hour(s): 17 mm
Kalianget Madura Island 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 29.6 ° 74% 8 km
Kendari - Woltermon-Ginsidi state of the sky on the wa… 27.0 ° 95% 7 km since 6 hour(s): 3 mm
Kerinci - Depati Parbo slight or moderate thundea… 23.5 ° SW (230°) 1 kt 91% 3000 m since 6 hour(s): 2 mm
Ketapang - Rahadi Usmaman state of the sky on the wa… 26.0 ° W (270°) 4 kt 90% 6 km since 6 hour(s): 4 mm
Kisaran haze 19.0 ° S (190°) 3 kt 96% 5000 m since 6 hour(s): 1 mm
Kokonao - Timuka drizzle or snow grains dua… 25.6 ° E (100°) 2 kt 97% 7 km since 6 hour(s): 61 mm
Kolaka - Poma state of the sky on the wa… 26.7 ° 95% 8 km since 6 hour(s): 13 mm
Kotabaru state of the sky on the wa… 25.5 ° SSE (150°) 3 kt 91% 8 km since 6 hour(s): 4 mm
Kupang - El Tari 3/8 cumulus with stratocua… 28.0 ° E (100°) 3 kt 78% 8 km
Labuha - Taliabu 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 27.7 ° SSE (160°) 2 kt 85% 9 km
Larantuka 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.0 ° SW (230°) 3 kt 85% 8 km
Lhokseumawe - Malikussaleh 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.7 ° NW (320°) 4 kt 80% 7 km
Luwuk - Bubung state of the sky on the wa… 26.4 ° W (270°) 4 kt 95% 9 km since 6 hour(s): 5 mm
Majene 3/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.2 ° 84% 9 km
Manokwari - Rendani 3/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.7 ° W (260°) 6 kt 82% 10 km
Masamba 2/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 28.9 ° SSW (200°) 2 kt 83% 8 km
Maumere - Wai Oti clouds generally forming a… 25.8 ° SW (230°) 2 kt 97% 6 km since 6 hour(s): 6 mm
Medan - Polonia 2/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 28.4 ° N (10°) 5 kt 80% 8 km
Menado - Dr. Sam Ratulangi 3/8 cumulus with stratocua… 26.0 ° E (100°) 3 kt 95% 10 km
Merauke - Mopah 1/8 or less but not 0/8 ca… 28.0 ° ESE (110°) 3 kt 89% 8 km
Meulaboh - Cut Nyak Dhien 4/8 cumulonimbus (tops fia… 29.2 ° WSW (250°) 10 kt 82% 6 km
Muaratewe - Beringin 2/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 25.6 ° 94% 6 km
Nabire lightning visible, no thua… 27.6 ° SE (140°) 3 kt 89% 8 km
Namlea 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.0 ° 84% 8 km
Nangapinoh 3/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 29.4 ° ESE (110°) 2 kt 81% 7 km
Neira 3/8 cumulus (little vertia… 27.7 ° W (270°) 2 kt 89% 8 km
Padang - Tabing 3/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 28.6 ° NNE (20°) 3 kt 83% 10 km
Pakanbaru - Simpangtiga state of the sky on the wa… 26.4 ° 92% 8 km since 6 hour(s): 2 mm
Palangkaraya - Panarung 4/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 28.5 ° N (360°) 1 kt 84% 9 km
Palembang - Talangbetutu intermittent slight rain 25.7 ° ENE (70°) 4 kt 98% 8 km since 6 hour(s): 8 mm
Paloh slight rain 26.1 ° ESE (110°) 2 kt 94% 7 km
Palu - Mutiara thunderstorm, but no preca… 29.2 ° WNW (290°) 5 kt 75% 10 km
Pangkalan Bun - Iskandar 5/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 25.6 ° 96% 8 km
Pangkalpinang - Pangkalpinang state of the sky on the wa… 24.8 ° SSE (160°) 3 kt 97% 7 km since 6 hour(s): 30 mm
Pontianak - Supadio slight or moderate thundea… 25.6 ° NNE (30°) 4 kt 91% 6 km since 6 hour(s): 1 mm
Poso - Kasiguncu slight or moderate thundea… 25.4 ° S (180°) 3 kt 95% 7 km since 6 hour(s): 18 mm
Putusibau 4/8 stratocumulus (formeda… 28.2 ° SSE (160°) 2 kt 87% 8 km
Ranai - Ranai 2/8 cumulus (little vertia… 26.2 ° NNE (20°) 4 kt 92% 10 km
Rengat - Japura thunderstorm during past a… 26.6 ° 93% 6 km
Rote - Baa 2/8 cumulus (little vertia… 27.2 ° SE (130°) 4 kt 89% 10 km
Ruteng - Satartacik state of the sky on the wa… 19.8 ° S (190°) 2 kt 94% 6 km since 6 hour(s): 49 mm
Sabang - Cut Bau 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 27.8 ° 85% 7 km
Sabu - Tardamu 1/8 or less but not 0/8 ca… 29.1 ° ESE (120°) 3 kt 78% 6 km
Samarinda - Temindung state of the sky on the wa… 26.5 ° 92% 10 km since 6 hour(s): 25 mm
Sanana state of the sky on the wa… 27.6 ° WNW (300°) 3 kt 88% 8 km
Sangkapura Bawean Island state of the sky on the wa… 27.8 ° SW (220°) 2 kt 89% 8 km
Sarmi 3/8 cumulonimbus (tops fia… 27.0 ° S (170°) 7 kt 96% 8 km
Saumlaki 4/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 26.7 ° 87% 10 km
Semarang 3/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.9 ° WNW (290°) 2 kt 81% 8 km
Semarang - Ahmadyani 3/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.2 ° 79% 6 km
Serang haze 26.7 ° 82% 5000 m since 6 hour(s): 0.6 mm
Sibolga - Pinangsori state of the sky on the wa… 28.4 ° 90% 6 km
Singkep - Dabo state of the sky on the wa… 26.2 ° NW (320°) 1 kt 97% 7 km since 6 hour(s): 22 mm
Sintang thunderstorm, but no preca… 26.8 ° W (280°) 13 kt 86% 5000 m
Sorong - Jefman state of the sky on the wa… 26.7 ° ENE (60°) 3 kt 93% 7 km since 6 hour(s): 0.1 mm
Sumbawa Besar - Sumbawa Besar thunderstorm, but no preca… 28.2 ° W (260°) 3 kt 87% 8 km
Surabaya 2/8 altostratus (predomina… 29.4 ° ENE (70°) 2 kt 80% 8 km
Surabaya - Juanda 2/8 cumulus (little vertia… 28.6 ° E (80°) 1 kt 74% 10 km
Surabaya - Perak 2/8 altostratus (predomina… 29.2 ° ENE (70°) 2 kt 79% 8 km
Tahuna 4/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 27.2 ° N (350°) 4 kt 87% 5000 m
Tanah Merah - Tanah Merah lightning visible, no thua… 26.6 ° S (190°) 2 kt 95% 8 km
Tanjung Redep - Berau 3/8 cumulus (little vertia… 28.6 ° ENE (70°) 3 kt 83% 8 km
Tanjung Selor 2/8 stratocumulus (not foa… 28.4 ° E (90°) 4 kt 84% 8 km
Tanjungpandan - Buluh Tumbang state of the sky on the wa… 24.9 ° NE (50°) 1 kt 95% 7 km since 6 hour(s): 2 mm
Tanjungpinang - Kijang 2/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 27.7 ° NE (50°) 3 kt 82% 10 km
Tarakan - Juwata 2/8 cumulus (little vertia… 28.3 ° ENE (70°) 3 kt 81% 8 km
Tarempa 3/8 stratocumulus (formeda… 27.4 ° NNE (30°) 1 kt 87% 6 km
Tegal 1/8 or less but not 0/8 sa… 28.0 ° 81% 7 km
Telukbetung - Beranti state of the sky on the wa… 25.8 ° NE (50°) 3 kt 99% 10 km since 6 hour(s): 0.2 mm
Ternate - Babullah lightning visible, no thua… 28.8 ° SW (220°) 5 kt 91% 8 km
Toli-Toli - Lalos clouds generally dissolvia… 27.4 ° SE (140°) 3 kt 92% 8 km
Tual - Dumatubun 4/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 26.2 ° 95% 5000 m
Ujang Pandang state of the sky on the wa… 26.7 ° ESE (110°) 6 kt 91% 10 km
Ujung Pandang - Hasanuddin rain during past hour 25.9 ° ESE (110°) 3 kt 90% 8 km since 6 hour(s): 0.4 mm
Waingapu - Mau Hau 4/8 cumulus (moderate/stra… 28.6 ° ESE (110°) 2 kt 83% 5000 m
Wamena - Wamena slight or moderate thundea… 17.2 ° NE (40°) 2 kt 100% 2000 m since 6 hour(s): 14 mm


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