Extrapolating data from the satellite we can have a continue and very detailed stream flow info of the size, shape, intensity, speed and direction of movement of individual storms . Thanks to the high resolution of the satellite sensors all the area of operations can be monitored at a resolution of 3 Km updated every 15 minutes. In other words this means having a data on an high resolution basis for virtual point of measurments every 3 kms on a regular grid.
The algorithm works with the sat channels described below:
Use the visible 5,6 and 9 channels
-7.3-10.8>0: cloud base detection (early detection)
-6.2-10.8>0: cloud top detection (Kolios and Feidas)
-Connected components
-Convex approximation
-Object definition (properties)
-Short term cells motions forecast up to 45 minutes
-Easy interface with existing
lightnings and radar networks
The platform allows the detection, monitoring and forecasting of the convection inside a cell , defining the shape, the size and the evolution of the clouds with an intuitive color scheme (yellow triggering, orange growing, blue mature, purple dissipating)with an intuitive short term forecast up to 45 minutes, You can see the forecast trend as a dashed line in the image below.
This tool was born to be a satellite data based software but there is also the possibility to associate a
grib file with model fields to increase the information (i.e. the height, the pressure of the top or the of the base, the relative humidity, vertical velocity) about the convective cells both in
nowcasting and
short term forecasting. The wide coverage assured by the
Meteosat and the
high rate ( 15 minutes ) of sat the images update allows a complete convective
clouds step by step evolution monitoring.
In the image above the Storm Track updates every 5 minutes you can see the numerical data available T clouds top, Area, Severity, Evolution , Accuracy, Efficiency indexes
Other important updates are:
-New area coverage Tks to MSG 1 IODC India and Asia
-Storm Track can be interfaced with all the geostationary satellites (Himawari 8 etc.).
-Full interface with third part weather model , weather radars and ligthning networks to better calibrate the output and tracking convective cell motion
All the outputs are avalilable via secure access API webservices