![](images/almanaccometeo/1.jpg) | In the following pages our "meteorological" friend Miss Droplet helps us
to discover and understand the natural phenomena commonly called the
Even though our planet is called "earth", almost all of its surface is
covered by water.
We know that air exists, but we cannot touch, see or feel it. Without
air airplanes couldn't fly, parachutes wouldn't open.... Thanks to air
our small paper airplanes can also fly!!!!!!
In any case, life begins in water. During the first nine months of our lives we could swim like "fish" inside our mother's womb.
When the heat
from the sun reaches the seas, lakes and rivers, water is evaporated and
condensed into tiny droplets. These droplets combine and become clouds
and then divide into groups of different sizes and shapes. When these
cloud droplets hit against colder air they begin to combine into larger
drops and become heavier than air, which causes them to fall or rain
down upon us. Rain is commonly coupled with wind, which is simply air
that is in motion and which moves seeds and clouds, and changes the
Wind gives voices to things such as to the rustling trees. In the beginning wind is clear natural energy, free of
But the air is continuously in movement, the lowest air particles try to climb, the highest cold air tries to descend. When different air types such as a cold air mass hits against a warm air
mass, rain clouds with electricity form. Next you get storms and the
resulting lightning and thunder. Water continues to transform itself
yet; into the clouds, the fog, your breath, water vapour, and into ice
with very cold weather.
Air is composed of water vapor and other gases. The most important gas
is oxygen which we must have to breath. Nitrogen, the ozone and carbon
dioxide are also vital for earth life.
To live better we have to keep our wonderful little planet clean. We must preserve the world in which we live, breath and play and we must respect nature.